Monday, November 26, 2012

My Purchases

Hope everyone had a great day back from the break! Surprisingly my kids did awesome today! I'm thinking they were either in shock or still pooped from all that turkey. Either way I took it and ran with it. They were little angels today ... at least as much as a group of 7-8 year olds could be considered angels...

Did you buy anything this Cyber Monday on TPT? (Link it up at Blog Hoppin'!)I know I sure did. I had a ton of things in my cart and then decided (like I do when I goes clothes shopping lately..) what are the things I really can't be without? So I narrowed it down to 2.

Here's what I bought! Click on the picture to check out more.
I love Amy Lemons over at Step Into Second. All of her work is fantastic and because she is also a 2nd grade teacher in the Dallas area our standards and pacing are very aligned. She made some adorable Christmassy activities that tie into literature for this upcoming month. Thanks Amy!

I had been eyeing Hope King's  Mathlete Pack for a couple months now. All of her stuff is fantastic and so creative. She is definitely someone to follow and I am so glad I finally purchased this pack to help keep my babies motivated and on the right track to learning all of their addition facts. Thanks Hope!

As for me.. I had have sold the most I've ever sold in one day today! But there's still one day left. Don't forget to enter the code at check out for even more savings: CMT12. Click on the picture to check out my store.

And if today wasn't a great day already.. I'm already inspired to work on a new pack. Be on the look out! Relax and have a great night!
O yea.. it's happening!

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